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Masters Degree, Disaster and Emergency Management

 Be special, a leader, a problem solver, and a life saver.


NOVA Southeastern University

in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Institute for Disaster and Emergency Preparedness

Maritime Track


Some people will say that we are tied together by cyberspace, others by government, but it is an undeniable fact that the maritime industry handles about 90% of all the world’s goods and has been a key factor in the development and spread of civilization itself.  Stop trade and we all suffer.  From capitol steps to famine affected regions, at war or in peace, everyone is involved. 

Our globe needs committed people to ensure that goods flow and maritime disasters and emergencies are properly managed.  There is only one place to get such and education.

We are happy to introduce the new Maritime Track in Nova’s new

Master of Science Degree, Disaster and Emergency Management


Who should take this course?

Veterans, emergency and law enforcement personnel, maritime managers and decision-makers, students with an interest in public issues and commerce, maritime academy graduates, graduate students with a maritime interest, and graduate students who wish to make a difference in trade or the welfare of the general public.

Tuition discount programs are available for veterans, law enforcement, fire, and EMS/EMT.

Contact   Apply now.

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